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Hello CA and the Pellenc Precision Pruner

Golden Gate BridgeThis past week the boys of the family went to California. While it was not exactly a pleasure trip, they had a lot of fun from all accounts!ย I’ll show you some pictures in a moment but first, the reason for the trip!

We are lookingย toย buy a Precision Pruner for our Pellenc 4560 multi-functional machine (we just call it the grape harvester). You can click here to watch a video of it. The precision pruner wouldย be used after pre-pruning and it would eliminate two plus months of work for us – no more hand pruning the vineyard as we do it now!

The Pellenc Precision Pruner uses an infrared eye to follow the cordon and cut the spurs at the desired length. If you remember, we have been pruning the Montepulciano grapevines and leaving one bud spurs – it would do that for us. We hand prune about aย half acre per day – the Pellenc Precision Pruner does about 2 acres per hour!

We would still need to clean up any vines missed or spurs that come from the underside of the vine but, that would be nothing compared to the three months of work we are doing now.

So, after renting a car, (5 of them in an Impala – ย circus clowns that just keep coming out of a small car!) the fellas drove to Tuscon, AZ where they visited friends we met while we lived in Switzerland. Not only was it a refreshing stop, they also reminisced and caught up – thanks Fred and Janet for entertaining the crew on such short notice!

Here are some photos our oldest son took on his new phone:

Sunset over the Pacific

Pacific Sunset - Playing at the beachThe Pacific Rocky Coastline

Pacific Rocky CoastThey even did some mountain climbing! Here they are playing king of the mountain

Mountain Climbing in CaliforniaThe Golden Gate Bridge at Night

Golden Gate Bridge at nightThe Pacific bathed in Moonlight

Moonlight on the PacificWhile the boys were in Paso Robles which is on the central coast of California to see the precision pruner, the girls and I enjoyed the scenery of El Paso. I enjoyed spending most of the days holding a new grandson and hearing all the precious sounds they make!

The Pellenc Precision Pruner must be ordered from Franceย and would not get here in time for this year’s pruning so, we plan to order it after this year’s harvest – Lord willing!

Needless to say, everyone here is completely jazzed at the prospects of automating the vineyard!


  1. Machines are amazing things! I have a friend who owns a local chocolate company (rapidly growing which is exciting) and they upgraded from a machine that took 72 hours to press 90# of chocolate to a machine that does 300# in an hour. Stunning that a pruner will save MONTHS of work for you.

    We have been blessed to be on the Pacific Coast for 3 years. It is beautiful at all times. I am glad that your family was able to see it. It is incredible to see how the coast line changes from one region to the next.

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