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Bottling Montepulciano Wine

Montepulciano GrapesYou might wonder how the wine is coming from our crushed Montepulciano grapesย – the ones we crushedย after ย last year’s harvest. Well…That is still sitting in some barrels with oak.

But now we getย to deal take the wine fromย the 2013 vintage to the next step – bottling.ย Before getting to this point though, the +/- 55 gallons of wine in two small barrels has been rackedย and racked –ย siphoning the still wine away from the settled out solids.

Before I go on, let me clarify that the photos you see are the actualย process (in my kitchen!) of bottling Montepulciano wine. My kitchen island has been moved to make room for the carboys, bottles and corker. Like most things in our life, this is a family affair and everyone participated. So, after working in the vineyard all day pruning and after taking showers (most of them anyway!) – it was now time to bottle!

Bottling Montepulciano Wine

Beforehand, the wine bottles had to be washed – no need wasting wine in a dirty bottle. Being frugal, we save our old bottles rather than buy new ones. New ones would come sterilized and ready to fill, but washing is really not that difficult (especially when John does it) – you pay for convenience!

The wine was decanted (racked) from the barrels to glass carboys (each holding 5 gallons), which were brought into the kitchen and an assembly line set up. John uses a long piece of tubing and starts a siphon to begin the wine flow from the carboy to the wine bottle. Of course, he takes the opportunity to thoroughly taste the wine at this point!

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Filling the Wine Bottle

He holds the bottle low to the ground (faster filling) until it is almost full and then raises it above the level in the carboy to slow and stop the flow. Otherwise, there would be wine wasted all over the floor (hence the towel)!

Bottling Montepulciano Wine Stopping the Filling of the Wine Bottle

The filled bottle is then handed off to the operator of the corking press.

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Corking the Wine Bottle

As the handle is pressed down, the cork is compressed and forced into the bottle.

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Forcing the Cork into the Wine Bottle

Once corked, the bottle is inspected to make sure the cork is all the way in and not damaged – why let the wine spoil or leak out at this point in the process.

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Bottle Corked

The bottles are then organized by size and shape – because we save old ones, we have all different style bottles. It is easier to pack them into cases if they are the same type bottle. This is just a few of the bottles that were together – they were all over the kitchen floor – when all the 2013 Montepulciano was bottled we had 21 cases!

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Organizing the BottlesFinally comes the labeling. Since this is home wine making (less than 200 gal per adult), there is no need for label approval by a government official as is necessary for wineries.

Bottling Montepulciano Wine - Labeled

From 2013’s vintage, we made only Montepulciano so for us the label really isn’t necessary – we know what the bottle contains! But, we enjoy giving wine to friends and family so theย labels allow others to know what we are giving!

Even though this Montepulciano wine is young, it is full of character with a wonderful bouquet. I can’t wait until it has had an opportunity to age and mellow – thus we are drinking some now as I write!

How about you, have you ever made wine at home?


  1. I see that you are bottling for personal use and gifts, but might there come a time when you will bottle to sell? Is that something you are planning to do?

    1. Joy, yes, we want to open a winery in about 2-3 yrs. After last year’s harvest we actually have been working with a local winery making wine from commercial sale under his permits (totally legal). Once we get our permits all in order, we can begin selling.

  2. My husband recently made his first batch of wine. Just from a kit so we won’t barrel age it. He will need to bottle in a week or two. We can’t wait to try it! It was a really fun process!

  3. I am making a kit Montepulciano by winexpert and it looks good at 6 weeks but is measuring 13% ABV compared to 14 plus we have been getting with cab and Malbec…we are new to winemaking and really would like to try making wine from wine grapes..or maybe crushed and destemmed grapes.
    We live in southeast Alabama and can’t grow much other than scuppernongs…our other kit wines are OK but would rather do something like you are doing..

    1. Sam, the ABV depends upon the kits, how high the sugar content of the juice that was in the kit was. It sounds like you are doing a good job and I look forward to hearing how it turns out! We came from near Mobile, Al and had scuppernongs in our back yard – I guess God was preparing us from a vineyard! Thankfully, the vineyard is doing better than our scuppernongs ever did!

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