
Looking Forward

New Years Resolutions? As we begin a new year, 2010, I am sure we all have great expectations! You may call them New Year’s resolutions or you may not, but capitalize on the excitement of a new year. Start or re-start ideasย and practices. Whether it is a daily Bible study, family time, eating together as a family, aย regular exercise program or more healthy eating habits, start the year fresh and do it!

Several things which I have no control over, but am looking ย forward to happening in 2010 are

  • Our house in Alabama selling
  • Our grapes growing and flourishing
  • A bountiful harvest

Things I do have control over and am implementing (my New Year’s resolutions):

  • More vigorous exercise – I have been regularly exercising but am taking it up a notch.
  • Nutrition – Although we eat healthy already, I will be including more flaxseed (buying in bulk and grinding myself), Omega 3 supplements and using healthier oils when possible (I am investigating buying in bulk for more reasonable pricing).
  • Meal Planning – I have posted about this previously and have successfully lowered my grocery bill tremendously with this measure alone. But, I have let it slide. With our freezers full, we are eating what we have on hand, but more careful planning would ease my mind in having meals written out and knowing before the last minute what must be removed from the freezer and thawed. So, although I do not anticipate lowering my food bill, I will have more peace of mind and can be sure I am making the most of what is available without forgetting anything.
  • Playing Banjo – All of our children play instruments (piano, violin/fiddle, guitar, banjo) and John plays upright base. I started playing banjo when pregnant with #8 but after his birth, I never seemed to have enough time. This year I am making time – hopefully!

For me, the New Year represents excitement over what is to come, a renewed commitment to habits I already have and the desire to implement others. What about you? Do you have New Year’s resolutions you would like to share? I would love to hear them. Leave a comment and let’s encourage each other!



  1. Thanks for linking up with my MidWeek meme! I think it’s so cool that you play the banjo. I’ve always wanted to play an instrument. I wish you much luck and perseverance in all you do in 2010!

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