
A Puddle and a 5 Year Old

We had 1/2 inch of rain on Friday. It is good for the garden and the grapes. It also made one puddle at the end of our driveway. Here are picture clues as to how our 5 year old son entertained himself.

The first clue must be looked for closely. While I think it is obvious, I know what I am looking at!

Here is a closeup in case you missed it. I should have made a plaster mold – it will never be so small again!

And now, for the rest of the story:

Isn’t it a shame we lose the joy of such little things. I don’t necessarily see the joy in getting dirty and muddy but he sure did. He played for quite a while and was quite a mess when he was finished.

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. That’s so cute. thanks for sharing your pics! I have a question. If you have a moment could you take a peak at my post today. I have problems with my tomato plant and I was wondering if you could help me with it or explain what’s happening & maybe what to do about it. I sure would appreciate it. Thanks!

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