

Our wonderful corgi named Bob, was gone! It was unbelievable!

Unbelievable - wonderful corgi named Bob.

I have not been very prolific in my writing this week but our week got off to a difficult start. In fact, Monday about 9:00am, I thought, “I can not believe this!”

Bob, our wonderful, obsessed with “fetch”, corgi was gone! Unbelievable!

Bob who stays right with us in the vineyard – except if it is hot and he wants the filter house shade.

Bob who never wanders.

Bob who stays inside at night, had gone out to oversee the morning milking with the two milkers. After the milking was finished he stationed himself outside by the door. We had the windows and door open and heard nothing. But, in about an hour, when called to eat, he was gone.

Needless to say, he is greatly missed. After exploring the area around the house and surrounding roads (multiple times), we have basically given up. I guess there is the slim chance that as a male, he caught whiff of a female in heat. The problem is, there are no females around that we know of.

I miss Bob! So does everyone else! It is amazing how much a part of your family a dog becomes! It’s still unbelievable that he is gone.

The coyotes have been coming closer to the house, but then again, it was broad daylight and we heard nothing. Nevertheless, we areย activelyย pursuing coyote extermination. They have served the purpose of keeping down the rabbit population in the vineyard and up till now, have not posed a threat. We have a known den of them on our land – at least we know the general area. And, I bought bullets for our gun. Now, I am not a pistol packin’ Mama, but I can shoot!

Last week we jumped out of bed about 11:00pm because they were so close to the house. Thankfully, we found before they did, that we had carelessly left the chicken-pen open. We are much more careful now!

Saturday, after working in the vineyard all morning, I had gone to get some water at the filter house. After drinking my fill, I started back to work. Almost to my row, I looked up and there about 80 ft away was a female coyote looking at me! Now, I am not normally brave and I am not sure what possessed me, but I started yelling, waving my hands like a madwoman and took off running at her! I scared her so much she turned tail and ran – thankfully! I really don’t know what got into me!

We are also looking into miniature sheep which would be pets, but also, weed eaters and debudders in the vineyard. They would make easy meals – or maybe snacks – for the coyotes. At this point, I just feel as if our lifestyle has been invaded.

Anyway, we must do something.

We have bullets and we have set a couple of traps. If you know of anything else, please let me know – Leave a comment!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Bob. If you have a large and hungry enough coyote pack you might want to take steps for your cows and other pets.

    We have a huge problem with coyotes in Fairhope. They come into our area about twice a year and eat all the wildlife (we used to have lots of rabbits). We see a lot of missing pet signs. I don’t want to even think about how many chickens we have lost to coyotes. I have even had a coyote run across our front porch (in broad daylight with me sitting a foot from the window) chasing our rooster. Needless to say the Little One NEVER goes outside without an adult.

    We don’t worry about coyotes with the cows (until they calf) but we had to have some protection for our fainting goats. Our farm is too small for a donkey (which is the solution for most farmers) because they eat too much.

    Coyotes are almost impossible to catch/trap. We have had luck with fried chicken for catching baby foxes (only because the mom was away during the day). I think an adult coyote stays behind with the pups while the other are out hunting so I am not sure that would work?

    Our coyote solution was to buy a livestock guard dog (Anatolian Sheppard). We have had her for over a year and she is wonderful. We know she recently had a fight with some coyotes because of the marks on her neck, we know she won because we have not lost a goat. ๐Ÿ™‚


    These dogs are very smart and built for the heat in the south (unlike the Great Pyrenees) and will not wander. This friendly dog will guard what ever you want it to guard, people, livestock, home… and does not demand the attention that most dogs have to have (unless you want it). They are a big breed (females 90+lbs) but they do not eat a lot. Ours self feeds with a 25lb feeder which she goes through once a month. We do not treat her like a pet, she is livestock and stays fenced with the livestock in the field all day every day (where she is very happy). She does not bark unless there is a reason. I really can’t say enough about her, she has paid for herself and then some.

    We are in the process of moving our chickens and ducks to her area so she can guard them as well. We have taught her not to chase chickens, if you can believe that (smart dog!).

    Hope this helps!


    1. Thank you so much for sharing Frances. I have never heard of the Anatolian Shepherd but will certainly look into them. What a peace of mind to have her guard for you!

  2. Llamas make great wardens against coyotes–my boss has a ton of them and one of them he lets live near a duck pond he has on his property-coyotes don’t like them because they kick very hard.
    I am sorry about Bob. Losing a beloved pet is rough.

  3. Dina-Marie and family, so sorry about Bob! He is such a sweet dog! Coyotes are so crafty. And I have heard many wonderful things about the Anatolian Shephard, as well as the Anatolian/Pyrenese cross, from at least two other farmers needing livestock/family protection. Hope you get the right solution for your family.

    1. Thank you Joy! I am researching and have found a breeder for the Anatolian Shepherds, thanks to Francis. Now it is a matter of timing – when he has a litter and when we can pick one up!

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