

The past two and a half weeks have been a wonderful whirlwind filled with visitors.

Leaving family on the East coast has been the most difficult part of our lifestyle change. It is always wonderful to have visits from family and have them take part in our life.

The visitors’ roster included:  

John’s brother Joe and a couple of his daughters were here for two weeks. In fact, I rode back with them after visiting my mom and sister in Georgia. While he was here, we began a couple of projects, in addition to some vineyard work, which I will be posting about later. The picture below was taken this spring while we were pruning – since it was so hot (95F-104F), he shaved his beard while he was here!

The evening that Joe and his daughters left, my mother and sister came to visit.

My mother, known as Mimi, has not been feeling well, so we were very blessed to have her visit. She normally visits at Christmas, when everything is brown and dreary. So, this is the first time she has seen the vineyard green and tasted vine-ripe (well, almost ripe) grapes!

My sister, known as E.C., is an elementary music teacher in the public school system and has most of the summer off. She left West Texas headed to New Orleans for a workshop about a new music curriculum that her school is piloting.

Our second oldest son who lives in El Paso is getting married September 8! We were able to attend a bridal shower while my mother and sister were visiting and that gave us 4 generations of girls in attendance! Needless to say, we had a lot of fun.


  1. Congratulations to your son and soon to be daughter-in-law! My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary on September 8 and the next day on the 9th we will be celebrating our sons 1st birthday!

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