

Preparing for Planting Grapevines – 2015

Although we are not planting new acres of grapes until April, there is a lot to do in preparation for them. We like to have this prep work finished before pruning begins! The first step in preparation is laying the drip irrigation tape to water the new vines – come see how it’s done!


ICF Basement Expansion – Finished!

The last hurdle in making our goal of moving into the ICF basement expansion before Christmas was making the windows doors and moving the windows to the new exterior walls. Sound confusing? It really isn’t. We added new walls around the existing structure that are 14 more feet out and these became the new exterior walls!


Finishing the ICF Basement Interior

You might think we have been loafing since grape harvest, but we haven’t! Once vineyard work was over, we started on the house. I can’t wait for you to see the progress! We just might make our goal of moving in by Christmas!


A Calf is Born!

A calf is born! Hilde finally calved and has a beautiful, light brown calf! What you are about to read and see is the actual process of delivering…


Backyard Bees

With all the excitement and work surrounding grape harvest, I forgot to tell you about the new additions to our homestead – Honey Bees! Our backyard bees…


Oak from Tennessee

The oak from Tennessee has arrived! It sure is a lot of wood but we have a lot of plans for it! As many of…