

Harvesting Rye

When we decided on a lifestyle change in 2007 and purchased land here in west Tx for a vineyard, 65 acres of it had been…


Only to Us!

This is a picture of the front seats in our 15 passenger van. They look harmless don’t they? Well, on Friday and Saturday they did…

family herd dressed up for national cow appreciation day.

Most of My Herd!

This past Friday, July 9, was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. If you went dressed in full cow attire (from head to toe) you received…


Buttercup’s New Calf!

This has definitely been an exciting week around here with the flooding and now a new addition to the “family”! Buttercup, our family milk cow…


Listening to Hear

I posted a while ago about back problems which turned out to be a herniated disc. But for the past couple of weeks I have…


Fruit is Setting!

As we work in the vineyard, it is so exciting to see the grapes forming daily! Here are some pictures taken within the last week…


Vineyard Overview

John climbed on top of our filter station barn to take the following pictures. The filter station building protects the pressure gauges and exposed pipes for…