

Creative Income!

With savings dwindling and the house in Alabama not selling, we have gotten creative in generating income! My husband has taken a paper route. Yes,…


New House!

Our new house – can you see it? OK, I know I am asking for some imagination but eventually it will be beautiful! We have…


How to Avoid Scams!

Scams: Avoid them using common sense! As many of you know, it has been two years now since we began our lifestyle change adventure.  Our…

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Snow Again!

Wow! Have we had a day of snow! It started this morning and has continued throughout the day. We have gotten at least 4 inches…

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Texas Sunrise

I never tire of the beauty the landscape here in west Texas affords. Although it is rough, rugged and desert-like, it has a beauty all its…

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Blowing Wind = Dirt!

When we moved from southern Alabama, one thing I was not sad to leave behind were the hurricanes. Witnessing their destructive capabilities and having lived…

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Texas Sunset

On our trip to Alabama a couple of weeks ago, I actually missed Texas! The sunset pictured above is one of the beauties this otherwise…


Post Featured!

Dave from PhilFAQS featured a review I wrote on today. He had written previously to say that hopefully it would help answer questions from…


Looking Forward

New Years Resolutions? As we begin a new year, 2010, I am sure we all have great expectations! You may call them New Year’s resolutions…