

Ducks for the Farm

I only meant to bring home a couple of ducklings! But, they were just so cute. So, six ducklings later, I made it home – I guess it is a good thing there were only three colors! Move over chickens…here come the ducks.


Spring Vineyard – It’s Coming Alive!

One of my favorite times in the vineyard is spring. After appearing to be dead through the winter months, it suddenly comes alive with beautiful green buds. With the beginning of the growing season here, we are already looking forward to harvest and a good crop!


No More Milk – Yeah or Boohoo?

Drying off a family milk cow is always a bittersweet deal – you are glad for the break from milking but really miss the fresh milk! No more ice cream. No more fresh cheese. No more drinking milk to your heart’s content – or should I say stomach’s content?


2016 Vineyard Pruning Complete!

It is finished. Pruning that is. All 32 acres. I love how clean the vineyard looks this time of year and all the potential that this year’s crop has. It is only April and freezes are still very possible – which could destroy this year’s grape crop. But, late pruning delays bud break and protect the grapes.


Pellenc Precision Pruner TRP

Our new vineyard toy promises to cut our hand pruning time in half if not more! We are now able to prune at least an acre a day which is way faster than before the precision pruner! Our hands are already thanking us!


Pre-pruning the Vineyard 2016

It is time of year again and we have already begun pre-pruning the vineyard and even finish pruning it! When we purchased our Pellenc 4560 grape…


The Metal Roof is Almost Finished!

With only a couple of pieces of metal left to put on the roof, the progress is astounding. The landscape around the vineyard has certainly changed! Being indecisive really bugs me but with the family’s help, the decision was made and the roof is red!


ICF House Progress Being Made!

ICF is definitely for DIY’ers and we have begun making progress on ours once again! With pruning the vineyard soon to start, we decided to have a steel structure put up for the metal roof before beginning the ICF walls.