Bottling and Labeling Moscato 2019
Bottling and labeling the Moscato 2019 went great. Like usual, we had a good time working together so the both processes flew by!

The Bottling Process
Like we did when we were bottling the 2017 vintage, we started by filtering the wine. We want to make sure the wine is as clean as possible, that way we don’t get any extra fermentations going on in the bottles. Also, nice and clear wine looks the best!
Little helpers make the work more fun!
Once the wine is filtered, it goes to the bottling line. At the bottling station we have two people. One person gets the bottles out of the boxes while the other person changes out the bottles being filled.
After the bottles are full, it’s time for the corks! To run the “corker”, all you do is put the bottle on the shelf and press the foot lever. It is a fun job and so much easier than our old corking method which involved a hand corker! Now that the bottles are corked, it’s onto the final step.
The final step of bottling is loading the boxes and placing them on a pallet. This is a nice job to have if you like to take breaks and talk! It is very easy to keep up with the corker so everyone likes to have this job.
Throughout the whole bottling process, we are all switching jobs around. It is fun to try the other jobs and that way it doesn’t get boring.
Now that bottling the Moscato 2019 is complete, it’s time to start labeling!
The Labeling Process
Like we found when labeling the 2017 vintage, labeling goes much faster than bottling. It took us a day to bottle but it only took a morning to label the bottles.
So for labeling, we had three people working on it. One person got the bottles out of the boxes. One person labeled them and the last person put the bottles back in the boxes.
The labeling job is the most fun out of the three jobs. It is so satisfying to see the finished product after the years of work that go into it.
The Finished Product
Now that we have gone through the whole bottling and labeling process, you can see the finished product!
The Moscato 2019 is now available at our winery. It is a nice and refreshing wine – perfect for a summer day or anytime you need something light with a touch of sweetness!
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