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Rest Day?

Yesterday, I awoke to a rainy day! Yes, you read that correctly. Here in west Texas it was raining! The normally dry, desert conditions were…

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Foggy Morning

With all the dramatic temperature changes while pruning, we have come to really appreciate the warm days of early spring. This morning, however, was met…

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East and West

This week has been filled with pruning. From the time we finish breakfast until we stop about 8pm for dinner. Actually, we do not stop…

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Moving from lower Alabama to west Texas, we traded hurricanes for sand storms or haboobs. While they are much less life threatening than hurricanes, haboobs…


Family Fun!

Even with work in the vineyard  picking up, time is taken for family fun! We made pizza before pruning started and even our 3 year old…


Life is Short!

As I write this, we are preparing to travel to Georgia for my father-in-law’s funeral. While his death was not totally unexpected, it is still…


The West Texas Hillbillies

Do you remember the television show “The Beverly Hillbillies” with Jed, Granny, Jethro and Elly May? Remember, an oil company found oil in Jed Clampett’s swamp…