

Grape Harvest 2016

Aglianico and Montepulciano grapes are now gone! In one harvest filled week, grape harvest for 2016 is done! Almost anyway – we have to have some for our own wine making!


Roussane Grapes and Bunch Rot

Bunch rot – we never thought we would battle this fungus in our vineyard. After all, we live in west Texas where it is dry and has ideal grape growing conditions!


Veraison and Cluster Counts = Ripening Grapes!

The grapes are ripening and the race is on the find the ripest ones before anyone else does! We are taking a quick break from tucking the vines (canopy management) to do cluster counts. This is exciting because we find out how many tons of grapes to expect at harvest!


Wire Raising in the Vineyard

It is hard to believe that June is here! Thankfully, we have been spared from hail which frequently accompanies our thunderstorms and the vineyard is…


Spring Vineyard – It’s Coming Alive!

One of my favorite times in the vineyard is spring. After appearing to be dead through the winter months, it suddenly comes alive with beautiful green buds. With the beginning of the growing season here, we are already looking forward to harvest and a good crop!


2016 Vineyard Pruning Complete!

It is finished. Pruning that is. All 32 acres. I love how clean the vineyard looks this time of year and all the potential that this year’s crop has. It is only April and freezes are still very possible – which could destroy this year’s grape crop. But, late pruning delays bud break and protect the grapes.


Pellenc Precision Pruner TRP

Our new vineyard toy promises to cut our hand pruning time in half if not more! We are now able to prune at least an acre a day which is way faster than before the precision pruner! Our hands are already thanking us!


Pre-pruning the Vineyard 2016

It is time of year again and we have already begun pre-pruning the vineyard and even finish pruning it! When we purchased our Pellenc 4560 grape…


Grape Harvest is Finished!

You might be surprised but there is a slew of emotions when grape harvest is over. And, it is over for 2015! You would expect there to be great relief and there is! But there is also anticipation, thankfulness, disappointment, elation and even sadness!


Grape Harvest 2015

Even though we are still early in October, grape harvest for 2015 is almost over with 166 tons of Roussanne, Montepulciano, Aglianico, and Petit Verdot being harvested already. There are only about 26 tons of grapes left in the vineyard – we better get to eating before they are all gone!