lifestyle change


Maybelle, the New Calf is Born!

Our wait is over – Margie finally had her calf and we get our fresh milk supply back! Margie has been showing signs that the time for calving was close for over a week now but not until Friday morning did we know it would happen without any problems.


Adorable Newborn Calf – Odd Cattle Rustlers

The anticipation is over – Margie had her calf. That is the good news. The birth went easily and mom and baby were healthy. Unfortunately, there is some bad news. Like a good old fashioned John Wayne movie complete with cattle rustlers there is a happy end to the story.


Rain, Rain, Go Away!

An anomaly has occurred here in west Texas – we have had rain, cloudy skies and cool temperatures for almost 2 weeks! Most people would…


Butchering A Cow

“Butchering a Cow” might sound like a step-by-step tutorial, but I really just want to share with you how we butchered our steer Brisket (while encouraging you…


No More Milk!

Today, we are going to talk about drying off a family milk cow. It is sad. Then again, it is good. First, the sad part:…