

Heavy Hearts

Have you ever noticed how situations, circumstances and lives can be changed in a matter of minutes? Life is fleeting and this was brought home…


Watch Out!

Beware all you drivers out there, we have a new automobile operator in our family! Our 16 year old daughter passed her driving test and…



Cheepo  is the name or our parakeet. That is ChEEpo – not to be confused with ChEApo! He was a Christmas present from our oldest…


What is Missing?

Let’s play a game! I will show you a two pictures, see if you can tell what is missing in the second. The two pictures are identical…


End of an Era

Our 3 year old is now officially potty trained! This would be a milestone for anyone, but for us, it is the end of an…


A Sad Day

Because of more problems with our internet, I was unable to post the introduction to Bob and Monty when I originally wrote them last week….

Heartwarming Scene

Heartwarming Scene

Going about daily activities, I was walking through the living room and this caught my eye: our 5 year old son “reading” a book to…


The White Board

Organizing home education for multiple children can certainly be challenging. “How do you manage with so many and get it all done?” This is a…


Listening to Hear

I posted a while ago about back problems which turned out to be a herniated disc. But for the past couple of weeks I have…